Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Arkansas School Official:Total Prick

One of the previous posts sparked an idea for an Op-Ed assignment, and since I have been looking around a little more diligently for news materials along the lines of LBGT Rights... when I stumbled upon this

The unresponsiveness of the school particular pisses me off, apathy enables discrimination.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sony announced today they are discontinuing production on the WALKMAN......

How am I going to listen to my Ace of Base mixtapes...while jogging?

now this is the kinda shit i had in mind.

The Obama administration is launching a campaign to prevent anti-gay bullying and other harassment at school, advising educators that federal law protects students from many forms of discrimination.
The advisory from the Education Department's Office for Civil Rights, to be made public Tuesday, does not break new legal ground, officials said. But the officials described it as the federal government's most comprehensive guidance to date on how civil rights law applies to the sort of campus situations that in some cases have led persecuted students to commit suicide. President Obama is expected to help promote the initiative.

Confronting Life

"Aaron Gouveia and his wife were already having the worst day of their lives. Then came the abortion protesters."

Sunday, October 24, 2010

also via feministing...

check out this article at the salon about the proposed florida immigration bill. though i've never heard a compelling argument to make me believe that immigration bills are rooted in anything but racism, this florida bill takes it to a whole different level. the bill is designed to specifically target immigrants of color and provides an exemption for white immigrants:
What few observers seem to have noticed, though, is a bizarre clause Snyder included on page 3. Even if an officer has "reasonable suspicions" over a person's immigration status, the bill says, a person will be "presumed to be legally in the United States" if he or she provides "a Canadian passport" or a passport from any "visa waiver country."
What are the visa waiver countries? Other than four Asian nations, all 32 other countries are in Western Europe, from France to Germany to Luxembourg.

i'm not going to lie, i've only read a few articles about this, so i'm not as knowledgeable as i'd like to be. but really, how can you make an argument that immigration legislation is anything but racist when bills like this exist to specifically exempt immigrants who look white (well, more specifically, do not look mexican or cuban). 

further proof of rachel maddow's awesomeness. posted this interview with rachel maddow. on monday, msnbc will be airing a documentary on the murder of dr. tiller, with maddow narrating. the interview is definitely worth reading in its entirety, but i particularly liked this quote:

Feminism is itself a challenge. Feminism is a challenge to the way things are in the world. It is by definition an oppositional movement, because it’s trying to accomplish something. I’ve never felt like feminism was a consciousness raising effort in isolation. Everything about feminism is about getting something in the world to get better for women, and to get the world to be less stupid on gender bifurcation terms. I think that feminism over time gets better, or it gets better and worse and better and worse at achieving the goals that it’s trying to achieve, but the overall mission stays the same. I guess I don’t think of it as feminism versus anti-feminism; I sort of think of it as feminism versus the world. I don’t think of it as a competition; there’s no winning. In feminism, you’re always trying to make stuff better. It’s opposition to which you cannot attribute a tally.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

someone's been watching LOST.

STERLING, Va. | U.S. customs officials say they've arrested a British man at a Washington-area airport after officers found cocaine concealed inside religious statues and a shoulder bag.Customs and Border Protection officials announced Tuesday that 47-year-old Stephen James Ingle of London was arrested at Dulles International Airport last week as he traveled from Argentina to London.
A customs officer suspected that the bag and two statues were heavier than they should be and an X-ray revealed anomalies. In the bag, officials say there were two sandwich-sized bags with a pound of cocaine in each and more cocaine was found inside the statues of the Madonna holding baby Jesus and Joseph.
Ingle was arrested on narcotics charges and has a court appearance scheduled for Wednesday.

nice try, but yemi did it better.
i've been thinking about this trevor project "it gets better" campaign a lot lately. something hasn't been sitting right with me, but i haven't had the time to devote too much attention to it. pat asked me for my take on it today and i had a chance to flesh out my thoughts, which turned into somewhat of a rant:

Senate Candidate Doesn't Surprise, Again

"Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?"

- Christine O'Donnell

Friday, October 15, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I can't believe how many spoofs of the old spice guy there are!

Downright terrifying

It Gets Worse

You probably heard about the It Gets Better Project. But let's not forget those kids who are actually doing the bullying.

Uploaded by FirstLastName. - Explore international webcam videos.

The Creative Internet

When you're not looking at dumb videos, you should take a look at 106 Interesting Things on the Internet.

this picture makes my heart melt.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dave Grohl must feel silly now

Kurt Cobain's handwritten letter to MTV is up for auction.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010